Pricing Structure

We are happy to complete your order whether you have 1 item, or 100!

Order Minimums

We have a minimum charge of $10 per order.

Embroidery Charges

We charge $8 per item which includes the first 8,000 stitches of your design. If your design has more than 8,000 stitches, we charge $1 for every thousand stitches.

Order discounts are available if you are purchasing more than 25 items. (This does not apply to customer supplied apparel/items.)

** Items that are especially difficult to embroider including shoes, some backpacks, horse blankets, etc may have an additional hooping charge.

**You can use up to 10 standard, and two custom colors in your design for no extra charge. If your design has more than two custom colors, there will be a $1.50 set up charge per custom color for your order.

We are happy to order new colors for you for a one-time $5 charge that is waived if you are ordering 25 items or more.

Digitizing Charges

If you have a new logo or design that you would like to have embroidered onto your item, it must first be converted into an embroidery file that sews efficiently on our machines. Our digitizing fees start at $25 for a left chest logo. Complex designs, or designs with lots of different colors or fine detail may cost more. This is a one-time charge for all new artwork. You can send your artwork to or use the Upload Artwork link from the menu.